Spring boot annotations list
Spring boot annotations list

If we're using multiple tools, it would be logical to store all configuration details in a single place, similar to an file. Spring Cloud Stream with RabbitMQ: Message-Driven Cloud introduces us to several useful tools, each needing some sort of configuration.

spring boot annotations list

For example, by using Lombok, you can avoid writing constructors with no arguments, toString(), equals(), and hashCode() methods by simply adding a few annotations.


  • Spring Cloud: Routing with Zuul and Gateway Lombok offers various annotations aimed at replacing Java code that is well known for being boilerplate, repetitive, or tedious to write.
  • This list is meant to be a quick lookup, for detailed and comprehensive.
  • Spring Cloud: Service Discovery with Eureka This article contains a non-comprehensive list of frequently used annotations in Spring Boot applications. This is the list of all the prerequisites for the demo application you are going to build: Java > 1.8 Spring Boot 2.4.4 MapStruct 1.4.2.Final.
  • It should rather be used as a quick lookup list, for detailed and comprehensive information please read official javadocs and documentation. This is part two of the same educational content. List of frequently used annotations in Spring Boot apps This document contains non-comprehensive list of frequently used annotations in Spring Boot applications. It does not have a direct effect on the operation of the code they annotate. It is not a part of the application that we develop. In other words, annotations are used to provide supplemental information about a program. We've already published several articles covering some of these topics, so if you'd like to see these annotations on practical hands-on examples, these are a great start: in my previous article, I talked about the most common Spring Boot annotations a bit and as I promised now we can see them in a code example. Spring Boot Annotations is a form of metadata that provides data about a program. Must be used on a class that is also marked with the Configuration annotation (or another annotation that includes the Configuration annotation). In other words, annotations are used to provide supplemental information.

    spring boot annotations list

    ComponentScan is used with the Configuration annotation to allow Spring. annotation (this is just a marker for the Spring container) the important part is that. A bean is an essential component of any Spring-based application. Spring Boot Annotations is a form of metadata that provides data about a program. Configuration is used on classes that define beans. src/main/java/com/apress/messaging/domain/ Basic Spring & Spring Boot Annotations Bean This is the 1 concept to know in Spring. It allows developers to effortlessly and painlessly build common patterns when it comes to cloud-based architecture such as setting up circuit breakers, discovery clients, routing etc. Spring includes a set of annotations for working with Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP): Enables support for handling components marked with AspectJ’s Aspect annotation. This is just a selection of the many annotations Spring Boot and Spring have, with a focus on the basics, configurations, and testing. Spring Cloud is a great extension to the already robust Spring Framework. Spring Annotations: Testing Annotations.

    spring boot annotations list

    After that, well use Swaggers annotations to set the response body to deliver a list of objects. Spring Boot Annotations is a form of metadata that provides data about a program. Then, well implement a simple example using Spring Boot to document a spring REST API using OpenApi 3.0. I have the following controller method: method=RequestMethod. First, well start with some explanations of the OpenAPI Specification and Swagger API Response.

    Spring boot annotations list